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News and latest updates regarding the proposals for gravel extraction at Palmers Farm

Latest News:


Monday 6th July 2024

Quotes from the Islands MP:


“I support your campaign to get the planning application turned down. I met with some of your members last year to discuss.

 If elected next week I will be in touch as your MP to see how we can work together.”

Joe Robertson

Conservative Party Candidate – Isle of Wight East


Tuesday 14 May 2024
Important update and invitation

As many of you will be aware Wight Building Materials Ltd have submitted an amendment to their previous application to create a quarry at Palmers Farm. There are several changes to the amended submission including a revised access route onto and along Palmers Road to and from Lushington Hill. The 20 tonne, 4 axle lorries will generate an average 38 two-way trips per day.

We invite you to attend a public meeting at Wootton Community Primary School, Church Road at 6.00pm on Thursday 30 May.

A further public consultation will take place between 24 May and 14 June. If you are unable to attend the meeting, we would encourage you to submit your comments/objections either via the IOW Council planning website or by letter to the planning dept. There are more details of how to do this below on the newsletter.

Further detail please read or download the May 2024 newsletter.

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